The use of LLM tools in Universities for teaching and research

ChatGPT and other AI-powered systems that generate text create challenges and possibilities for teaching, especially for designing exams. What are the solutions and the best practices?

The two main networks of Institutes for Advanced Studies, the University-based Institutes for Advances Study (UBIAS) and the European Network of Institutes Advanced Studies (NETIAS) are making a quick survey in which higher education institutions, teachers, and administrators worldwide can share their practices.

This is a non-profit and academic initiative to share good practices. The survey is open to any higher institution worlwide (even those that do not belong to the two networks) and participants will have access to the results.

We are aware practice may differ between units and departments, and that you may not be aware of what other units are doing. The questionnaire is only for your own knowledge and/or practice (teaching and research) in your own unit.

The questionnaire will be launched very soon. To receive a link to answer it when it is ready, please register with your email: